ALCHEMICAL ACTIVATIONS for Leaders & Visionaries
When Leaders and Visionaries align with their Soul Blueprint, the Star Map given at birth, the authentic gps system given to you by your Divine Ancestry, life becomes absolutely magical and you actualize your BOLDEST Desires quickly.
Those Visions you have of the Highest Potentials are no longer impossible.
Welcome to the portal to your Kingdom. The Sacred Birthrights Activation Ritual is the way to begin the first step of your journey.
Results of the Sacred Birthrights Activation Ritual:
Simple shifts to align yourself fully into your Great Work that gives permanent rewards for many generations to come.
Chart your first steps to the Empire that is the structure that contains and supports your Heart Mission, your Divine Calling, your Highest Purpose in Authenticity of Love for Humanity and the Planet.
Transmutation of the old patterns that keep you stuck from the exponential growth into the desired vision.
Turn challenges and seeming roadblocks into stepping stones
Receive the clear Strategy of being in the right place at the right time for optimal use of time, space and energy.
The results are permanent rewards that have a ripple effect of transformation across every area of your life, your relationships, your wealth, your contribution, your legacy and your lineage..
This is an intimate 4 part journey to activate the intricacies of your Divinity:
1. Preparation of your self and environment so that you fully receive the codes available to you from Heaven. This begins immediately upon booking in the days before we meet.
2. Sacred Birthrights Activation to follow the Map of your Soul Blueprint that's charted through Heaven's Star Map. You will have your authentic template to be, do, have anything when you are Aligned with your Soul Blueprint given to you by Heaven.
3. Receive the Template and water the seeds that have been planted with specific transformations, tools, prayer and practices.
4. The Cultivation Call with me to support the blooming of the blessings that have been co-created with the Priestess
It doesn't matter what's happening in the cosmos and in the world... when you're in alignment you create your own economy.
Since the Golden Age of Pure Knowledge, Love, Truth and Prosperity, Leaders in the most powerful and successful positions in the world have had an astrologer (that no one knows of) as their guide to living and leading their best life and legacy on purpose.
"Anyone can be a millionaire, but to be a billionaire you need an astrologer."
- JP Morgan
There are maybe 10 of us Babylonian Astrologers on Earth, accurately practicing and channeling The Pure Astrology with miraculous results.
There is nothing else like this on the planet.
This is the soul wisdom from your lineages, lifetimes and realms that you, as a Leader and Visionary of a more rich and beautiful World, are meant to realize.
Your Mission in this Life is Divinely fulfilled by living Fully Turned On, Authentically and with Integrity.
In this Ritual Process you receive:
•A Blueprint of your highest timeline moving forward
•Tangible steps on how to move forward, what to do next, and how to take aligned action
•Answers to cosmic questions only your soul has been able to relate to (until now)
•Star wisdom on past events, the medicine they have provided you with, and how to alchemize forward
•Emailed protocol from our Intensive, with tangible tools specific for you
•Recorded video of your Intensive that is yours to keep and realign with forever
•The Embodied Priestess, the Oracle at the Temple of Apollo (Tammy) in your Royal Chamber to guide and assist you further, with imprinted Remembrances and Activations
This is the guidance according to your own divine timeline. Within this space, we can bring through knowledge from the past, present and future, to translate it into physical tools and information that is vitally helpful for you here.
Together we can make the seemingly impossible your Reality.
Spiritual counseling and channeled guidance from the Sacred Science of the Cosmos
Awakening your unique gifts and superpowers
Activate Your Personal Wealth Codes
Strategic Timing of Business launches, partnership and investments
Advanced Holistic Medicine Protocols
Strengthening connection to higher guidance
Physical embodiment and health
Personal life and family matters
Relationships and intimate connections
Heart healing and attracting correct love
Petition Heaven to clear karmic debt such as court cases
Amplifying your authentic expression and confidence
Quantum healings, Reiki and activations
Clearing mindset blocks and old beliefs
Cord cutting & addictions
Dissolving karmic contracts
Alignment with your Mission
Embodying your best version
Protocols and tools to utilize in your life
Next steps and future alignments
Book your Birthrights Activation now.
A rare intersection of Heaven and Earth results in a precious manifestation of Grace.
Your Soul is a facilitator of sacred union between the spiritual realms and the earthly world.
The Priestess is the one who bridges Heaven and Earth for optimal magnetic attunement.
She intuitively knows when and how to call on Heavenly assistance, and she holds the embodied knowledge, codes and experience with the earthly remedies for efficient integration, rapidly transforming the material world.
Because of this knowledge and ability, she has the responsibility to keep the channels between Heaven and Earth open, healthy, robust, active and stable, not only for herself but for those she nurtures, influences and serves.
She has leveled up her inner and outer worlds through her deep inner alchemy according to the embodied knowledge of her Activated Birthrights and innate gifts.
She is so loved, nourished and magnetic that she pours her magic and contribution from her overflowing cup.
She is the artist, the healer, the shaman, the wayshower and the muse.
The Priestess is devoted to being of service to the Divine. It is through her sacred connection with Source that she grounds her purpose through her high vitality of creative life force as the authentic embodiment of the Divine Feminine.
The Priestess knows the power she holds and she uses it to nourish and magnetize beauty and prosperity to all of life.
The portal to both Embodied Priestess and Sovereign Priestess is open.
Will you answer the call?
You are the embodiment of all of Creation.
As you activate the codes within, your timelines will expand, your options will expand. The entire sky will open up to you as you stand grounded, rooted, planted, deeply nourished by all of life.
The Sovereign Priestess and the Embodied Priestess are intertwined 90 days portals for the healers, wayshowers, shamans, leaders, mothers and artists who are ready to answer the call to step into higher feminine authority and authentic genius, aligned with your embodiment of more softness, nourishment and higher magnetism, leaving behind the overwork and burnout.
Ancient secret codes from the Priestesses of the Golden Age are activated from deep within to level up entire lineages.
You owe it to your ancestors and descendants to live your most fulfilling life that allows permission from the Heart and changes DNA
When you truly decide, the Universe lines up to support you.
Embodied Priestess is a highly activated Sacred Sisterhood container that will quantum leap as a whole, to hold space to grid the planet with points in bloodlines that begin to change and level up the morphogenetic field of Humanity.
As the Sovereign Priestess, you have me inside your Royal Chamber to hold space for intimate alchemy and direct guidance to map incoming waves of power and opportunities to jump timelines as aligned with the specific intricacies of your divinity. These are the portals and timelines available that are specific to only you.
We will step through these highly activated portals together for quantum leaps on your evolutionary journey.
I highly recommend joining the Embodied Priestess for high planetary activations that have been passed on from the Priestesses of the Golden Age, and then adding Sovereign Priestess if you desire deep intimate support from me.
Priestess is the next step after you have said YES to HEIRESS - The Birthrights Activation of your innate genius and divine gifts.
The Priestess is ready and committed to embark on the fully supported journey to lead her life and legacy from the upper levels of her soul's evolution.
The Priestess is open and committed to receiving sisterly support, guidance and in doing what it takes to embody her greatness. She is ready to leave behind burn out, depletion and striving like a peasant so that she pours her contribution only from her magnetized overflowing cup.
The Priestess travels the most exquisite path of quantum leaps and embodiment of permanent transformation into the upper levels of all possible timelines.
As within, so without... Inner alchemy creates her outer alchemy.
This is a deep dive to chart the best course in fulfilling your mission and to remedy karmic challenges, clear away past trauma, and create new pathways to Co-Create the Divine Plan of your life under Grace of Heaven. When we shift our energy into higher quantum fields of endless possibilities, it permeates everything in our life and all through our bloodline.
Our relationships are set right, we fulfill our mission and purpose, synchronicities line up to assist us, opportunities open up that we didn't see before, we restore balance, harmony and vitality in our body and mind, and so much more.
When we align the inner world with our innate higher codes, our body and our outer world has no choice but to align.
To find out if the Priestess Path is the right fit for you, reach out to me via any of the ways below.
A portion of every investment goes to supporting Operation Underground Railroad – a non-profit that exists to rescue children from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation.
Learn more about O.U.R. here.